If you missed the opening party of CONSTELLATION, Futura’s solo exhibition, what’s next?

How about a one-night-only premiere screening of a 20-minute mini-documentary at the Projector? The documentary is about the life and times of artist; with never-before seen cottages and interviews with his contemporaries that include STASH, DAZE and COCO144, the screening takes place on Saturday 1 June, 9pm. After, which there is a sharing sesh with Futura, Stash and Jahan Loh and after that an afterparty at the Intermission Bar with Drem and Intriguant.
Then there is another meet-and-greet with Futura on June 2 at 5.30pm at Dover Street Market Singapore, where Futura Laboratories relaunch takes place. Check out the commissioned painting by Futura in-store until June 9. There will also be an in-store party from 6pm to 8pm.

If all else fails, you can still check out CONSTELLATION, which will run until 9 June 2019 at Gillman Barracks, Lock Road, Block 9 #02-21.

Futura, March, 2018, Ink on Paper, 35.5 x 28cm Futura, Sans Titre 15, 2018, Acrylic and aerosol on canvas, 120x120cm Futura, Sans Titre 14, 2018, Acrylic and aerosol on canvas, 120×120 Futura, Sans Titre 17, 2018, Acrylic, aerosol and marker on canvas, 17×370
All image credits to Melvin Wong
Produced and Copyrighted @ The Culture Story
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