Hail the wood walker residing in Paris, France, Lotfi Lamaali. This man is something else entirely when it comes to boardwalking. Lotfi has taken part in many longboard dance competitions and wound up with podium finishes, and also starred in many longboard videos, as well as a commercial for tailor made suits, co-starring his trusty dance board, the Loaded Bhangra.

Mr. Lamaali here is sponsored by Loaded boards, Paris Truck Co., and Orangatang wheels as far as it comes to longboard gear. He has been riding these companies for a very long time, and will probably be riding them for a lot longer in the future. His main weapon of choice on the asphalt would be the Loaded Bhangra, Paris Savants forged trucks with 50 degree angled baseplates, and an assortment of Orangatang wheels, but mainly the Fat Free model.

Lotfi has been in the game since 2008, and has not stopped shredding since. His phenomenal handling of his 48 inch beast of a board is unlike any other in the skate scene. The best way to really comprehend it is to see for yourself. He doesn’t look like a particularly strong person, with a very lean build, but the setup he is using is no lightweight either.
Mr. Lamaali here is also the founder of Docksessions, a now international name that started up in Paris, France in 2014 and has taken root in countries like Morocco, Japan, Korea, and even here in Singapore. The main intention being that of bringing together skaters from anywhere and everywhere, showcasing people’s skill and growing the community as a whole. But more importantly, Docksessions aims to link people, spread the stoke, and have fun!
Lotfi Lamaali is a big figure and role model for longboard dancers worldwide, due to his charmingly charismatic personality and incredible skate skills. He brings a smile wherever he goes, and certainly carries good vibes to every session he attends. Even through his videos you can feel the enthusiasm and cheeky nature radiate off him, and it certainly shows in his skating. Round of applause for our man Lotfi, the Woodwalking extraordinaire. Magnifique.
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